Play Deadly(プレイ・デッドリー)

PLAY DEADLY is a game concept in which the main character, Aries, wears “masks” that hide his true emotions. This comes in handy when one of his new friends turns out to be a murderer, and he has to get on his good side in order to avoid becoming another one of his victims. (Based on a nightmare I had while in college)
PLAY DEADLY(プレイ・デッドリー)はオリジナルゲームのコンセプトである。主人公のアリエスくんは「お面」を使い、本当の気持ちを隠す。最近できた友達の一人が殺人鬼であるとういうことがばれると、この技は被害者にならないのに役に立つ。